Which well-paid expert are you?

Take this quick (60-second) quiz to find out which type of well-paid expert you are, and what steps to take to make that dream a reality.

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Why I Built Level Up

I built Level Up to help anyone who sells B2B make more money from LinkedIn.

Actually, I should clarify.

Level Up can help anyone.

But if you’ve made something for everyone, you’ve made something for no one.

And after being around a lot of creative solopreneurs, I understood that those people are my people.

The failure rate of one-person businesses is ridiculously high.

Going into business for yourself is a brave, bold venture.

And most people go into business without realizing that what they’ve signed up for is, if their business is any sort of service, a sales job.

A full-time sales job.

And most creators I’ve met liken sales to pickpocketing.

So they don’t.

They think, “my work should speak for itself… it’s that good.”

And they’re both right and wrong.

Sometimes creators get lucky, or they’ve built a rock solid content marketing system that brings clients to their door, money in hand, ready to buy. Their sales calls are more like onboarding calls.

But it takes time to get a content marketing engine running.

And most creators don’t have that kind of time.

So I Built Level Up

Remember LinkedIn? The social channel you joined, right out of college, that was supposed to help you find a job?

When I left my last corporate job, I strongly considered leaving LinkedIn altogether. Why would I need something that only recruiters use?

I was wrong.

I turned to LinkedIn after shuttering my content marketing agency.

The agency I’d built with a partner was fueled by referrals.

As I transitioned from offering pre-made content marketing services to coaching, it became evident that I needed to begin anew and collaborate with individuals who were not already familiar with me and my expertise.

My former clients included a shipping company with a fleet of trucks and a talent firm that worked with universities.

Neither were going to be the type of clients that would join a group coaching program to build a sales funnel for recurring revenue.

So I started looking at LinkedIn. A friend in my mastermind put a video up in our channel telling us about her process.

I watched it, and decided that I was going to take her strategy and make it my own.

So I did.

And I’m not going to lie… I didn’t expect it to work.

Because it was so simple. So straightforward. So… easy.

“Shouldn’t outreach be harder than this?” asked the little voice in my head that wants every single piece of entrepreneurship to be as difficult as possible.

It should, I thought. But it isn’t.

See, most people are behaving badly on LinkedIn.

Pitching in the first message.

Using inMail.

Following up nine times.

Having the audacity to ask if I got their last message about offshore app development.

Using automation to spam as many people as possible.

You’d be forgiven for seeing this and thinking, “well, I guess that’s just how cold outreach is done.”

But it isn’t.

Or at least it doesn’t have to be.

When you show up on LinkedIn and act even a little bit like a human being, you stand out, head and shoulders above the others in your field.

I realized that it’s truly not complicated to start having amazing conversations from new connections on LinkedIn, with minimal effort.

What’s more, it was fun.

Getting on the platform.

Having conversations.

Asking real questions.

All of that felt natural.

And not AT ALL like pickpocketing.

But in building Level Up, I realized there were some “truths” I had to rewrite for myself.

Truths like “LinkedIn is a social network.”

And “my current network is filled with ideal clients.”


LinkedIn’s role in my life is not to tell a coworker from three jobs ago happy birthday.

Not at all.

It’s a sales enablement platform, not a social media network.

And speaking of two jobs ago…

My existing network was probably not filled with ideal clients.

I realized that when I started looking at LinkedIn as a place to pivot, remember? Trying to find people that didn’t already know, like, and trust me?

So of course they aren’t already in my network!

This reframing was really powerful.

As I was finding success, people started asking about my process.

A piece of advice I tell my private clients is that if you hear the same question from three different people, you should create something that helps them.

While my signature offer of building your first sales funnel with your existing knowledge, skills, and content is helping people gain leverage, I realized I can also assist entrepreneurs in using LinkedIn to get more sales.

And so I built Level Up.

What is Level Up?

Glad you asked! 🙂

Level Up is a 30-day program, delivered live, that will help you figure out how to use LinkedIn to add sales calls to your calendar.

It’s a workshop.

When you join, you’ll book yourself into a 1:1 call with me and we’ll talk about your goals.

Then, once a week for four weeks, we’ll meet for 90 minutes.

We’ll talk theory. But we’ll also implement.

So, by the end of week one, you’ll have reconfigured your profile to start attracting the right people and repelling the wrong ones.

By the end of week two, you’ll have set up targeting, automation, and your initial outreach.

By the end of week three, you’ll have mastered messaging and built a script library in case you want to outsource this to a trusted assistant down the line.

And by the end of week four, you’ll have a content strategy you can implement.

What’s more?

By the end of the program you’ll have ten calls on your calendar.

And if you don’t have ten?

Then I’ll give you $1000 and work inside your LinkedIn myself until Level Up is generating calls.

Who should join Level Up?


Service providers.

People who are making a living in the B2B world.


Anyone who has ever thought…”once people know about what I’m doing, I’m going to be successful.”

Anyone who thinks of outreach in a negative light.

Anyone who can explain their process on a sales call.

If any of these resonate, I’ll be honest. I built Level Up for you.

Which well-paid expert are you?

Take this quick (60-second) quiz to find out which type of well-paid expert you are, and what steps to take to make that dream a reality.