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Annoying Issues Every Home Business Owner Will Have To Deal With

Running a business from home is a great way to take career control into your own hands. Become your own boss, set your own hours, decide what services you’re going to provide, etc., and start to get total job satisfaction from the work you do. 

It’s a dream way to work, even for those who thrive off of the social element that comes with more regular employment. 

But the life of a home business owner can also be fraught with frustration. Little annoying things build up and become a mainstay problem in your day to day schedule. On a bad day, they can even be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. 

Foresight is key. Let’s find out more about the most common annoying issues in the list below. 

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Complaints About Work/Life Balance

How often do you hear from loved ones that it feels like you never doing anything together anymore? Maybe a friend has called you up asking if everything is OK, because they haven’t really heard from you lately? 

And when you think about it, you have been spending nearly every waking moment working on your home business recently. This is where the work/life balance issue that’s common in the entrepreneurial sector really comes into its own. 

It’s bad enough to feel stressed over your lack of time for your own personal reasons. If other people have started to complain about it, however, you may feel a genuine lack of support or care from your social network. 

This is a difficult thing to learn to balance, and it’s going to take time. Ask your loved ones to be patient with you as you adjust.

A Lack of Reliable Transport

Working from home means you’re putting your professional career in the hands of a residential neighborhood. That can be great for anyone who needs ultimate flexibility from their job, and thanks to the internet, it’s possible to stay connected to your clients even away from the high street. 

However, if you also have little to no reliable transport, you can end up isolated. Public transport timetables can be sketchy, and you may need to make a long commute to get from point A to point B. 

If you need to use bus services or rely on apps like Uber to get you from client to client, the cost is going to add up as well.

Even if you can drive and you have your own car, it’s best if you have a surface level knowledge of keeping the engine running. Having a Ford Explorer wiring diagram tucked away in the garage somewhere could save that important meeting you’re already running late for! 

Be aware of this problem in advance. Transporting yourself from the house that’s really your business’ nerve center, to the downtown cafe or office space your client wants to meet in, could one day become an obstacle to your success. 

Clients Who Expect You to Have All the Answers

This is a frustrating issue for every size business, but when you’re just starting out with a small business at home, it’s going to plague nearly all of your client interactions. 

When you’re a small fish in a very big ocean, you’re going to feel a lot of pressure to impress the people you’re talking to. You want them to know you know what you’re doing, and that you’re capable of bringing skill and experience to the table. 

That often means overcompensating for a lack of information or brief from them, and that could make your pitch seem overly confident, or even a little off-putting. But when you’re given little to work with, and feel like you have to be everything to a prospective client, it’s hard to navigate the negotiation. 

Even if you include technical terms and statistics, and make good use of your insider knowledge, they may not see anything you’re saying as being valuable. Why? Because they don’t understand it, and they don’t know what they really want

That could end up losing you a valuable connection that will help to build your business, but through no real fault of your own. One thing that could help is putting your pitch in as simple terms as possible, but it takes time and effort to learn to do so. 

What to Keep in Mind

Overall, there’s no way around getting annoyed at work. If you’re a home business owner, however, don’t let the frustrations become major problems for your future. 

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