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Build a Monetizable Email List on LinkedIn

Build a Monetizable Email List on LinkedIn Easily

Ever thought about turning LinkedIn into an email list goldmine? Well, you’re in the right place. Whether you’re a coach, consultant, or running your own gig, understanding how to leverage LinkedIn can change the game for you. With an average ROI of 3800% from email marketing investments, it’s clear why focusing on building a robust email list is crucial. But here’s the catch – doing this effectively requires more than just shooting in the dark.

This guide isn’t about fluff; it’s about actionable steps that move the needle. Building a monetizable email list on LinkedIn doesn’t have to be daunting if you know where to start and what moves to make.

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10 Steps to Build a Targeted Email List Using LinkedIn

10 Steps to Build a Targeted Email List Using LinkedIn

Have you ever considered using LinkedIn to build a targeted email marketing list and generate new leads? If not, now may be the best time to do so.

Whether you are a marketer or a B2B or B2C business owner, LinkedIn is proving to be one of the most effective ways to nurture potential leads in 2024. More than 75% of marketers believe LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms for digital marketing, especially for B2B companies.

Recent research shows that most companies use emails for lead generation. And LinkedIn is the best platform to use if you want to frame your email marketing strategy and build a comprehensive email list.

In this blog post, you’ll learn why this channel is the best (and easiest) way to attract new prospects and collect crucial personal information, including email addresses. But that’s not all.

By the end of this read, you’ll also know all the steps you need to follow to leverage the power of LinkedIn for email marketing.

Although there are many ways to use LinkedIn to build a targeted email list, the following 10 tips are the ones every business should follow. Let’s find out how you can use LinkedIn as a lead generation tool for building targeted email lists:

Make Your Profile Stand Out

Before crafting a lead generation strategy on LinkedIn, focus on making your profile more attractive and professional. Remember, your profile is the first place a potential prospect will take a look to see if you (or your company) are trustworthy and worth following.

You should not just have an ‘average’ LinkedIn profile. But how can you make your profile stand out? Well, it’s easier than you might think. To be precise, the elements you can focus on to improve your LinkedIn profile are:

  • The profile picture and background photo of your account: Both your profile picture and background photo should grab attention and automatically explain what your business is all about. These initial visual elements are the best way to ‘force’ your potential leads to stay and explore your profile.
  • Your headline and summary: You should use the headline and summary of your business profile to explain what your business is all about and share your business’s vision and story with potential leads.
  • Your services and expertise: In the skills and services section, you can explain what exactly your business offers and how you can help your leads, what makes you stand out from your competitors and, in a few words, share your niche expertise.
  • Keywords: Although keywords like ‘digital marketing’ or ‘SEO’ gather millions of queries every day, these are also the hardest ones to rank for, not only on LinkedIn but also on search engines. In other words, your keyword research strategy should also be applied when crafting your LinkedIn business profile.
  • Testimonials and publications: Towards the bottom of your profile, you can find the Recommendations section. You can add some written testimonials you’ve gathered from previous and ongoing projects. At the same time, your LinkedIn profile allows you to share the top-notch content your business has created and published in the past.

Don’t forget to update your LinkedIn profile regularly. It will help you stay current and share your company’s successes with potential clients. Now that you have a complete profile that stands out, it’s time to grow your audience.

Grow Your Audience

The most important thing when it comes to growing your audience on LinkedIn is relevance. Let us explain. A business account that is followed by, say, 1,000 people can be much more effective for lead generation than an account with 10,000 followers.

The reason is simple. Your LinkedIn audience should always be targeted and relevant to your business. The more relevant companies and people you target, the greater the chances that your lead generation and email marketing strategies will be successful.

Fortunately, LinkedIn’s algorithm is now very advanced, making the growth process much more challenging. You can start by connecting with companies and key decision-makers you have already worked with.

As you interact with your customers and employees, a word about your business will most likely spread on its own. At the same time, you can engage your team members and add them to your company page.

Using SEO and analytics for your profile and LinkedIn posts (e.g. hashtags, demographics) is another smart way to attract new relevant leads organically. Another way to grow your fan base is to partner with your niche stars and influencers.

You can either approach them directly for a partnership or simply share (and interact with) their content. For instance, if your business offers a software solution for email marketing, you can write “email marketing” and get results for professionals who are CEOs (or any other relevant position).

Connect With Potential Leads

By now, you have already created an eye-catching company profile and expanded your audience. Now it’s time to use your business’s power to attract, interact with, and ultimately convert leads on the platform.

Think of this initial contact as a foundation for future collaboration and treat it accordingly. During this nurturing process, do not forget to take notes on each contact you reach out to. This will come in handy when you are composing personalized emails for your leads later on.

Message and email personalization, or better hyper-personalization, will help you reach out to potential leads and build a strong initial connection on LinkedIn without being seen as a spammer.

A smart way to achieve that is by using the key information you already know about your leads. You can use that information to explain why your business is relevant and how it can help your leads.

Join Relevant Groups

In most cases, however, your initial LinkedIn growth will not be enough to build an extensive email marketing list. That is exactly why joining relevant groups is critical to your success on LinkedIn.

Finding and interacting with users in LinkedIn groups relevant to your business is very important for lead generation. The reason is simple: LinkedIn groups allow you to showcase your company’s expertise, share your knowledge, and ultimately help others.

This is a smart way to promote your business and automatically generate new leads. At the same time, LinkedIn groups are the best way to connect with key decision-makers.

Best of all, it’s easy to find such groups. All you need to do is use the search box, select groups from the drop-down menu and type in some relevant keywords. Clearly, LinkedIn groups can help you drive engagement, ask and answer questions, and find valuable prospects to whom you can send personalized emails.

Create Outstanding Content Consistently

But when it comes to digital marketing, nothing is as important as content. And LinkedIn is no exception to that rule. If you treat your LinkedIn account differently than your website and blog, you should probably realign your strategy.

Social media content is just as important as the content on your blog and website. When you regularly create outstanding, relevant, and educational written and visual content, you provide value to potential prospects.

This will make your account worth following. Content is what will keep bringing new prospects to your account, at least in the long run.

From adding educational marketing videos and images to creating top-notch infographics with valuable statistics, nothing should be left out. In other words, you need to convey to your potential customers that your business is actively contributing to your niche.

Finally, you should ensure that your content is engaging, consistent, and, most importantly, helps deepen the relationship with your audience. And to achieve that, there’s one thing you should always avoid: Spamming.

Avoid Spamming Your Connections

That should be a pretty straightforward tip, but unfortunately, it isn’t. After all, approaching potential leads isn’t always easy. There are times when businesses try to generate new leads, and during that process, they become (in most cases unintentionally) spammers.

To avoid doing that, there’s an element that should always characterize your LinkedIn and email marketing strategies: personalization.

Implement CTAs

Only after you personalize your LinkedIn or email outreach it is time to include Calls to Action (CTAs) in your messages.

Writing actionable CTAs in your LinkedIn content is another smart way to create an email marketing list. Actually, CTAs are an effective strategy you can implement in pretty much anything.

From your social media posts and blog listicles to your LinkedIn messages and emails, there’s nothing that can’t be benefited by a well-crafted, personalized CTA.

Given that your business is relevant to your prospect, your services are most likely to be valuable for them as well. Encouraging your leads to contact you and test your services is a direct, non-pushy way to convert them into loyal customers.

Create Landing Pages

Landing pages are another way to collect email addresses and create a comprehensive email list effortlessly. There are multiple pre-made templates of email capture landing pages that you can use to get started.

Such landing pages aim to persuade visitors to share their email addresses with you. In that way, you can easily get more leads. But, to do that, you have to offer something in return.

This could be a free (demo) subscription to one of the tools or services you are offering, a discount coupon, a webinar, and more.

Verify Contact Information

Yet, no matter which approaches you opt for to create a targeted email marketing list, there’s something you should always do before you start your email outreach campaign. And that’s verifying the information you gathered.

Before starting email marketing campaigns, verify all contact information to avoid email deliverability issues. Sending emails to invalid email addresses will not only cost you time (and money) but also damage the integrity and trustworthiness of your email address.

Your emails may even end up in your contacts’ spam folders because of this. Luckily, there are a few tools that can help you avoid this. With an email verifier, you can easily ensure that all the addresses you have collected through LinkedIn or landing pages are valid.

Personalize and Segment Your Email Campaigns

And that was the last step you needed to do before creating your personalized email campaigns. Personalized emails increase the chances your email will be read and tailor your communication to recipients’ needs.

Writing a personalized email copy is easy when you follow a specific methodology and include certain elements. These include your email subject line, opener, sign-off, and of course, CTAs and email signature.

Key Takeaway: 

Use LinkedIn smartly to build a targeted email list. Focus on making your profile pop, grow an audience that matters, and connect with leads in a way that feels personal. Join groups where you can shine, create killer content consistently, and avoid spamming at all costs. Don’t forget the power of CTAs and landing pages for capturing emails. Always check contact info is correct before launching email campaigns, then personalize and segment your emails for best results.

Final Thoughts on Creating an Email Marketing List Without Becoming a Cringe-Worthy Guru

Personalized emails increase the chances your email will be read and tailor your communication to recipients’ needs. Writing a personalized email copy is easy when you follow a specific methodology and include certain elements.

These include your email subject line, opener, sign-off, and of course, CTAs and email signature.

The key is to make your email marketing strategy about them, not you. Focus on providing value, not selling.

Share your niche expertise in a way that genuinely helps your audience. That’s how you build trust and credibility.

As a business owner, your goal is to nurture relationships, not just blast out promotional emails. Segment your email lists so you can send targeted, relevant content.

And don’t forget the power of storytelling. Use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate your points and make your emails more engaging.

Above all, be authentic. Write like a human, not a robot. Let your personality shine through.

With a little creativity and a lot of empathy, you can create email marketing campaigns that people actually look forward to receiving. No cringe-worthy guru tactics required.

Post Non-Stupid Content

When it comes to creating content for your blog post or social media platforms, the same principles apply. Focus on providing value, not just promoting yourself.

Do your keyword research strategy to find out what your audience is searching for. Then create content that answers their questions and solves their problems.

But don’t just stuff your content with keywords. Write for humans first, search engines second. Use natural language and aim for readability.

Mix up your content formats too. Try videos, infographics, or interactive quizzes to keep things interesting.

And don’t be afraid to take a stand. Share your unique perspective and opinions. That’s what sets you apart from the noise.

Just make sure you back up your claims with data and real-world examples. Cite reputable sources and link out to relevant research.

When you create truly valuable content, people will naturally want to share it and link back to it. That’s the kind of organic reach and backlinks that boost your SEO.

So before you hit publish, always ask yourself: Is this something I would actually want to read? Is it helpful, informative, or entertaining?

If the answer is no, keep refining until you have something worth sharing. Because in the end, quality content is what drives real results – both for your email outreach and your overall online presence.

Key Takeaway: 

Boost your email reads by personalizing emails and focusing on providing value, not sales. Show off your niche expertise to build trust. Remember, segmenting lists for targeted content and storytelling adds engagement. Above all, be real—write like a human.

In content creation, aim to solve problems with valuable posts that answer audience questions without keyword stuffing. Mix formats and express unique views but support them with data. Quality content drives shares, links, and boosts both SEO and email outreach success.

FAQs in Relation to Build a Monetizable Email List on Linkedin

Can you build an email list on LinkedIn?

Absolutely. You can use your profile to connect, engage with relevant groups, and share content that encourages people to sign up.

How do you monetize an email list?

You can monetize an email list by selling products, recommending affiliate items, or promoting sponsored content. The key is to offer value that your audience can’t resist clicking on.

How do I monetize my LinkedIn audience?

To monetize your LinkedIn audience, you can create courses or consultations that are tailored to your audience’s needs. You can also leverage direct messaging to make personalized offers.

Can LinkedIn newsletters be monetized?

Definitely. You can monetize your LinkedIn newsletters by promoting exclusive deals or using them as a funnel for paid programs. Just remember to keep the content high-quality.


In wrapping up our journey through crafting an effective strategy to build a monetizable email list on LinkedIn, remember that success lies in being methodical and genuine. From refining your profile to engaging with precision and care—every step counts towards nurturing relationships that translate into valuable subscribers.

The landscape of digital communication continues evolving but amidst these changes, one thing remains constant—the power of personal connection reigns supreme when it comes down collecting emails genuinely interested in what you offer.

So as we part ways (for now), keep pushing boundaries while staying true yourself because at end day those who dare not only reach stars but also bring them back earth their audience delight astonishment Take everything learned apply liberally Don’t let fear failure hold back The path building thriving community via inbox starts single click courage Go out there make happen You’ve got this!

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